Photo Swedish flower hen: Chicken, Hen

Meet the Swedish Flower Hen: A Colorful and Charming Breed

The Swedish Flower Hen, or Skånsk blommehöna, is a rare chicken breed originating from Sweden. Developed in the 19th century in southern Sweden, particularly the Skåne region, its exact origins are not well-documented. It is believed to be the result of crossbreeding local landrace chickens with imported breeds like the Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red.

Initially bred for egg production and hardiness in the Scandinavian climate, the Swedish Flower Hen gained popularity due to its striking appearance, featuring colorful plumage and distinctive flower-like patterns. However, the breed faced a decline in the mid-20th century with the introduction of more commercialized chicken breeds. Dedicated breeders and conservationists have since worked to preserve and promote the Swedish Flower Hen, leading to a resurgence in popularity both in Sweden and internationally.

The breed is now recognized by poultry associations such as the American Poultry Association and the Swedish Association for Poultry Conservation. The Swedish Flower Hen’s rich history and unique characteristics make it a valued breed among chicken enthusiasts and an important part of Sweden’s agricultural heritage.

Key Takeaways

  • The Swedish Flower Hen is a traditional Swedish breed with a long history dating back to the 1800s.
  • This breed is known for its colorful and unique appearance, with a mix of black, white, and brown feathers.
  • Swedish Flower Hens are friendly, active, and independent birds, making them great for free-range environments.
  • They are good layers, producing around 150-200 eggs per year, with a reputation for laying well in winter.
  • Caring for Swedish Flower Hens involves providing a balanced diet, regular health checks, and a safe and comfortable living environment.

Characteristics and Physical Appearance

Physical Characteristics

It has a medium-sized, well-proportioned body with a broad, deep chest and a relatively small head. The breed’s most striking feature is its colorful plumage, which is characterized by a variety of intricate patterns and markings. Each bird’s feathers display a unique combination of colors, including shades of black, white, brown, and red, often arranged in a striking “flower-like” pattern on the neck and back.

Additional Features

The Swedish Flower Hen has a single comb and bright red wattles and earlobes. Its legs are sturdy and of medium length, with four toes on each foot.

Temperament and Suitability

The breed’s overall appearance exudes an air of elegance and grace, making it a popular choice for both exhibition and backyard flocks. In addition to its striking appearance, the Swedish Flower Hen is also known for its hardiness and adaptability. It is well-suited to free-range environments and can thrive in various climates, making it an excellent choice for small-scale sustainable farming and homesteading. Its unique combination of beauty and practicality has endeared it to poultry enthusiasts around the world.

Temperament and Behavior

The Swedish Flower Hen is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for backyard flocks and family farms. These chickens are known to be curious and intelligent, often displaying a playful and inquisitive nature. They are also known for their social behavior, getting along well with other chickens as well as with humans.

Swedish Flower Hens are active foragers and enjoy spending time exploring their surroundings, scratching for insects, and dust bathing. They are also known for their excellent foraging abilities, making them well-suited to free-range environments where they can supplement their diet with insects, seeds, and vegetation. Despite their active nature, Swedish Flower Hens are also known for their calm and gentle demeanor, making them a popular choice for families with children.

They are easily handled and enjoy human interaction, often becoming quite tame with regular handling. Their friendly disposition and engaging behavior make them a delightful addition to any backyard flock.

The Swedish Flower Hen as an Egg Layer

Age (months) Number of Eggs Laid Average Egg Weight (grams)
5 12 55
8 18 58
12 22 60

In addition to their striking appearance and friendly temperament, Swedish Flower Hens are also valued for their egg-laying abilities. These chickens are known to be reliable layers of large, light brown eggs, with some hens laying up to 200 eggs per year. The eggs are known for their rich flavor and excellent quality, making them highly sought after by egg enthusiasts.

Swedish Flower Hens typically begin laying eggs at around 5-6 months of age, and they continue to lay consistently throughout the year. Their ability to lay eggs in colder weather makes them particularly valuable in regions with harsh winters. Additionally, their hardy nature and excellent foraging abilities contribute to their overall productivity as egg layers.

The eggs laid by Swedish Flower Hens are prized for their rich flavor and nutritional value, making them a popular choice for home cooks and bakers. Their consistent egg production and high-quality eggs make them a valuable addition to any small-scale farm or homestead.

Caring for Swedish Flower Hens

Caring for Swedish Flower Hens is relatively straightforward, as they are hardy and adaptable birds that thrive in a variety of environments. Providing a spacious and secure coop or shelter is essential to protect them from predators and the elements. Additionally, access to a fenced outdoor area or free-range environment will allow them to exhibit their natural foraging behaviors.

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of Swedish Flower Hens. A high-quality commercial feed supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats such as mealworms or kitchen scraps will help ensure that they receive all the necessary nutrients. Clean water should always be available to keep them hydrated.

Regular health checks and preventative measures such as vaccinations and parasite control will help keep Swedish Flower Hens healthy and disease-free. Additionally, providing them with opportunities for dust bathing and perching will help satisfy their natural instincts and contribute to their overall well-being. Overall, caring for Swedish Flower Hens involves providing them with a safe and stimulating environment, a balanced diet, and regular health care.

With proper care and attention, these beautiful birds will thrive and provide years of enjoyment for their owners.

Breeding and Genetics of Swedish Flower Hens

Genetic Interactions and Color Patterns

The colorful plumage of Swedish Flower Hens is the result of complex genetic interactions that determine the distribution of pigments in their feathers. Breeders must carefully select breeding pairs to preserve the desired color patterns while avoiding excessive white or black markings.

Understanding Genetic Interactions

The genetics of Swedish Flower Hens involve multiple alleles that control the expression of different colors and patterns in their feathers. Understanding these genetic interactions is essential for maintaining the breed standard and producing offspring with the desired appearance. Breeders can use tools such as Punnett squares to predict the outcomes of specific breeding combinations and make informed decisions about which birds to pair together.

Selective Breeding for Improved Traits

Selective breeding is also used to improve other traits such as egg production, temperament, and overall health. By carefully selecting breeding stock based on these traits, breeders can work towards improving the overall quality of the breed while preserving its unique appearance.

The Swedish Flower Hen in Popular Culture

The Swedish Flower Hen has gained popularity not only among poultry enthusiasts but also in popular culture. Its striking appearance and charming personality have made it a favorite subject for artists, photographers, and writers. The breed’s colorful plumage and unique patterns have been featured in various works of art, from paintings to illustrations in children’s books.

In addition to its visual appeal, the Swedish Flower Hen has also been celebrated in literature and folklore. Its presence in traditional Swedish farming communities has contributed to its cultural significance as a symbol of rural life and agricultural heritage. The breed’s resilience and adaptability have also been celebrated in stories and folklore as attributes worthy of admiration.

Furthermore, the Swedish Flower Hen has gained recognition in the world of poultry exhibitions and shows, where its unique appearance often garners attention and admiration from judges and spectators alike. Its presence in these events has helped raise awareness about the breed and contributed to its growing popularity among poultry enthusiasts. In conclusion, the Swedish Flower Hen’s rich history, striking appearance, friendly temperament, and valuable contributions as an egg layer make it a beloved breed with a growing fan base around the world.

Whether kept for its beauty, productivity, or cultural significance, this rare breed continues to captivate the hearts of chicken enthusiasts everywhere.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Swedish Flower Hen, you should check out this article on North Perch. They provide valuable information on the history, characteristics, and care of this beautiful and unique breed of chicken. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to add Swedish Flower Hens to their flock or simply wanting to learn more about them.


What is a Swedish Flower Hen?

The Swedish Flower Hen is a breed of domestic chicken that originated in Sweden. It is known for its colorful plumage and friendly disposition.

What does a Swedish Flower Hen look like?

Swedish Flower Hens have a unique and striking appearance, with a mix of red, black, and white feathers. They have a single comb and yellow legs.

What is the temperament of a Swedish Flower Hen?

Swedish Flower Hens are known for their friendly and docile nature. They are also active and curious birds, making them a popular choice for backyard poultry enthusiasts.

What is the purpose of breeding Swedish Flower Hens?

Swedish Flower Hens are primarily bred for their eggs and meat. They are known to be good layers of large, brown eggs and are also valued for their flavorful meat.

Are Swedish Flower Hens good for beginners?

Yes, Swedish Flower Hens are considered to be a good choice for beginners due to their friendly nature and ease of care. They are also adaptable to various climates and are generally hardy birds.

How do you care for Swedish Flower Hens?

Caring for Swedish Flower Hens involves providing them with a secure and spacious coop, a balanced diet, access to fresh water, and regular health checks. They also benefit from regular social interaction and enrichment activities.